When a girl gets her pointe shoes, it signifies a graduation - A step up in the ballet world. The only problem with picking up your first pair of pointe shoes from a store, is that they don't come with the ribbons sewn on! Learn how to sew your own ribbons on your pointe shoes. Besides your pointe shoes and ribbon, you'll need a needle, thread and scissors to complete this task. Learn how to sew ribbons onto your pointe shoes with help from this tutorial.
In this tutorial, we learn how to use a wall to do split stretches. Start out against a wall that has nothing around it so you can easily stretch with it. After this, face the wall and then lay on your back. Bring your legs up to the wall, then bring them out to the sides as far as you can for around 30 seconds. If someone else is with you, you can have them push on the inside of your legs to create a greater stretching effect. After this, flip onto your stomach, then slide down onto the legs...
In this video, we learn how to do a changing spot combination. Start off by standing in front of the mirror with your right foot in front of your left. After this, do four open turns. On the fifth turn, do a quarter turn to the right, opening the entire body to the right side. Then, open up your entire body and rotate around until you get to the front. At the end, pull the move in to a pirouette and end up in the front of the mirror again. With practice, you can master this spot combo, just...
In this video, we learn how to perform a pitch kick. First, take two steps forward starting on the right leg. Then, do a deep plea and bring the leg up, then open and extend forward. Press up into releva and turn the left arm into the floor. Do this in slow counts at first, then practice doing all the counts in one fluid movement. Do this in front of a mirror so you can see how your body is placed and what you need to improve on. If you mess up, don't worry and just try it again until you have...
In this video, we learn how to perform an attitude turn. First, step forward on the right foot, then cross over with the left foot. Then, lunge into the right leg with the arms open in second position. Do a deep plea and press up with the left leg into attitude. Reach your left knee back to your right shoulder to have the proper placement. Do this in front of a large mirror so you can see your body placement in the mirror, and use counts so you know when to do each movement. The counts should...
In this video, we learn how to perform a beginner turn combo. Start with a channey then turn on relevea, then turn right and left into a preparation. Do one pirouette to the right, then up and relevea. Plea, then go into another pirouette while changing your arms up above your head. Practice these moves by themselves, then when you have them individually down try doing them together. You may want to practice this in front of a large mirror to see if you have the correct body movements down....
In this video, we learn how to spot as a beginner. Spotting is used for when you are doing turns quickly. You want to keep your eye on the same exact spot in the room so you turn in the same exact way each time, and you don't lose your focus. To practice this, stand in front of a large mirror and practice doing turns slowly, without losing your focus from the spot you're looking at. After you have mastered this, start to do turns quicker, then with using your arms to help you turn. Eventually...
In this video, we learn how to do the switch firebird. Start with a chasse on the left foot, taking three steps. From there, take one more step with the right foot, then brush the left foot forward. Take a nice big plea in the right leg, then brush it back and jump off the ground jumping into attitude and hitting the top of the head. Get as high as you can turned out. Use the plea to help you jump off the ground. Practice these in individual counts, then practice in one fluid movement in front...
In this video, we learn how to do an arabesque. First, step on the right foot stepping from the right leg, then stand flat. As soon as the left leg leaves the ground, the toe points and the leg straightens. You will lift the back leg as high as you can before the chest moves forward. Make sure the back leg stays turned out and the arm doesn't go over the head in the air. You should not see the leg next to your hips, it should be right behind you. Doing this in front of a mirror will work best,...
In this video, we learn how to perform a basic pirouette. First, start in fifth position with the right foot in front. After this, push the foot out to second position while opening the arms. Next, step the right foot into fourth position with both feet turned out and both heels on the ground. Next, lift the right leg into a turned out circle, while turning out the knee. To land with the left, cross the right leg behind. The last part is to do the actual rotation, spotting the head to get the...
In this video, we learn how to perform an intermediate turn combo. Start a preparation, then start to turn on eight count. Open up into second position on one, then plea on two. Open the arms high on the third count, then plea on four. Open in second position on five, then double pirouette and turn in. After this, for the eighth count you will land out with arms to the side slightly raised. Practice doing these movements individually, then when you feel comfortable, start to do them in one...
In this tutorial, we learn how to perform a turning open second leap. Start with a high shinnay on one and two, then a low shinnay on three and four. Stop with the right leg and ninety degrees to the left corner, then do a deep plea. Push off with your left foot and then take the right leg to the other corner. Hit and open second jump after this, making sure the left and right leg match each other. Rolling out of the jump, tuck the left leg and go to the front, then step up. When finished, you...
In order to perform a perfect six o'clock, you will need to, first, begin by increasing your strength and flexibility. Partner stretches may be beneficial to you, in order to increase your flexibility. This will be of additional benefit to you, if you've pushed yourself as far as you can go alone in individual stretches. When you are adequately limber, begin by stepping forward with one leg. Turn out and engage the front leg, as you transfer your weight to it. When the foot is planted,...
In this tutorial, we learn how to do changing spot combo pirouettes. First, prepare for the turn facing the front left corner. Do a triple pirouette, then forte the leg around and change your spot to the right front corner. After this, land behind. Do this in counts of eight, then plea and land. This may be difficult to understand at first, if you have no experience doing dance moves. Just keep practicing, and pretty soon you will have these moves down! Changing spots is an easy move to get...
For a grand pirouette combination, you will need to begin in first position. Step forward with your left leg. This is your supporting leg. It will need to be bent and in plie'. Your arms should be outstretched from your shoulders. Extend your right leg. The knee should remain bent. Your left heel will be used to guide and engage your turns. Swing your right leg back and spin. Bring your arms in as you turn. You should be bobbing up and down on your heel, as you turn.
For the...
In this tutorial, we learn how to practice beginning floor, barre, & centre ballet. First, you will need to learn the five basic stands that you will have in ballet. Practice doing each of these until you have them down completely. Pointing and flexing your toes is extremely important, and remember to stand up straight. Make sure you also make good use of your turn out by rotating your legs out and in. Doing bar exercises will help your posture and help you learn how to bend correctly from your...
In this tutorial, we learn how to tie ballet slippers. First, flatted the back heel of the shoe. Next, sew the sew from the inside so the elastic isn't sticking out. Then, take the drawstring and pull the shoes on so they fit snugly. Be careful not to pull it to tight. Then, tuck the string back into the shoe, don't tie it into a bow. Even if your foot grows, you can loosen the shoe up. If you have a point shoe, it also has elastic that get attached to the back. You will place ribbon into the...
In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to tie pointe shoes in ballet. Begin by putting on the shoe and tie the small lace. Then cut off most of the excess of the small lace (about 1 1/2 inches) and tuck it inside the shoe. Now wrap the inside ribbon of the shoe one time around the ankle and tuck it back. Do the same with the other ribbon, except do it the opposite way and then tie the ribbon together. Now cut off the excess ribbon and tuck it in. This video will benefit those viewers who are...
In order to develop ballet turnout, it is important that you remember that relaxation is the key. Your hip joint must be loose and relaxed at all times, since all movement is done based on turnout.
You must stay within your own body. Turnout is individual. The goal is to reach the maximum turnout for your own body and to stay within it. You have to make sure that your body placement is correct: i.e. your body alignment. In first position, your hips should be over your feet. Make sure...
With any form of dance, flexibility is key to making sure you don't pull any kind of muscles. There are various ways to help improve your flexibility, and this tutorial will help show you one.
This is a great tutorial for beginner ballerinas. If you need some help with your turns, check out this video. In it, you will learn how to do multiple turns in ballet and look absolutely beautiful doing so. These turns are graceful and essential to most types of dance and with some practice, you will be able to do them.
You will get a look at how to successfully perform a barrel turn. You will see a walkthrough as to which techniques to use to complete this move. You will also see just what kind of shape you will create while in the air as Brianna demonstrates the technique on the floor.
We all know that dancers have to be flexible, but did you know they have to work at it like everyone else? If you would like to increase your flexibility like a ballerina, check out this tutorial. In it, you will learn how to improve your split - this is best suited for someone who can already do a floor split - so that your legs become more and more limber. Follow along with this video for tips and advice on how to keep that stretch going and feel it throughout your whole body, one muscle at a...
Learn a few easy dance steps to teach young aspiring ballerinas including the tombe, pas de bourree, pirouettes and releves. In this video, choreograph a simple ballet routine for children with help from an expert: Nene Ortega is a ballroom dance instructor at The Goddess Store in Hollywood, Florida. Learn more ballet from this expert by searching WonderHowTo! You're only practice time away from ruling the dance floor!
Learn an effective ballet routine to practice your ballet. Easy dance routines are those done at the barre in each of the five positions, and they can include plies, grande plies, tondues and releves. In this video, learn how to choreograph a simple dance routine with help from an expert: Nene Ortega is a ballroom dance instructor at The Goddess Store in Hollywood, Florida. Learn more ballet from this expert by searching WonderHowTo! You're only practice time away from ruling the dance floor!
All ballet shoes eventually get dirty. In this video, learn from one expert how canvas ballet shoes can be cleaned using calamine lotion that is dabbed onto the surface until stains are removed. Keep ballet shoes looking like new with this video conducted by an expert: Nene Ortega is a ballroom dance instructor at The Goddess Store in Hollywood, Florida. Learn more ballet from this expert by searching WonderHowTo! You're only practice time away from ruling the dance floor!
Every new pair of ballet shoes needs their elastics sewn on to fit the individual personally. In this video, learn a few tips on sewing in the elastic and satin ribbons with help from a ballet expert: Lynda DeChane-Audette is the founding artistic director of the South Florida Ballet Theater and was born in Boston. Learn more ballet from this expert by searching WonderHowTo! You're only practice time away from ruling the dance floor!
Learn how to do a glissade with help from this free ballet lesson. Sometimes known as a side glide, this is a classic ballet move and is performed by sliding from first position into a demi-plie in second position and back to first position. Understand the steps that go into a glissade with help from an expert: Lynda DeChane-Audette is the founding artistic director of the South Florida Ballet Theater and was born in Boston. Learn more ballet from this expert by searching WonderHowTo! You're...
In this video, learn how to take exercises from the barre and take them to the center floor. Ballet dancing incorporates several positions and steps that combine to make interesting choreography. Learn a ballet routine from an expert: Lynda DeChane-Audette is the founding artistic director of the South Florida Ballet Theater and was born in Boston. Learn more ballet from this expert by searching WonderHowTo! You're only practice time away from ruling the dance floor!
A few basic ballet barre exercises include tondues, plies, frappes, degages and pirouette preparations. Learn some of the foundational barre exercises for classical ballet with help from an expert: Lynda DeChane-Audette is the founding artistic director of the South Florida Ballet Theater and was born in Boston. Learn more ballet from this expert by searching WonderHowTo! You're only practice time away from ruling the dance floor!
Maybe not everyone's aware of this, but when bought, pointe shoes are incredibly tough and when not broken in, painful to wear. In this video, learn how to break in new pointe shoes to make them easier to dance in. They can be bent, molded, massaged and even scraped to get the proper flexibility and traction. Find out how to safely break new a brand new pair of shoes with helpful instruction from an expert: Mikael Monson is an instructor specializing in ballet and pointe at the Virtuosity...
Are you an aspiring ballet teacher? Much of teaching ballet techniques to students comes from demonstration & physical correction so that the student's muscles can learn the proper form. Learn how to teach ballet techniques from a pro teacher!
The splits require an enormous amount of flexibility - however, with enough practice the splits are possible for anyone. Being able to do the splits quickly requires stretching, both at the barre and on the floor, to lengthen the hamstrings. Practice basic barre and floor stretches daily with helpful instruction from this expert: Mikael Monson is an instructor specializing in ballet and pointe at the Virtuosity Performing Arts Studio/Vancouver Elite Gymnastics Academy in Camas, Washington....
Just starting your ballet classes? Not sure what to wear? In this video, learn from one ballet teacher what to wear and how to follow dress code. Ballet dress code usually consists of pulling the hair back in a tight bun and wearing a black leotard, pink tights, sometimes a ballet skirt and pink ballet shoes.
Warm up your muscles with simple ballet barre exercises including: simple lies, tendus, degages, ronde de jambes, port de bras and frappes. Get a free demonstration and lesson from this ballet and pointe expert: Mikael Monson is an instructor specializing in ballet and pointe at the Virtuosity Performing Arts Studio/Vancouver Elite Gymnastics Academy in Camas, Washington. Learn more ballet from this expert by searching WonderHowTo! You're only practice time away from ruling the dance floor!
Increase your flexibility, elongate muscles and strengthen your feet with a thera-band and these at home exercises. Continue practicing ballet at home between lessons with the following instruction from a pro. Mikael Monson is an instructor specializing in ballet and pointe at the Virtuosity Performing Arts Studio/Vancouver Elite Gymnastics Academy in Camas, Washington. Learn more ballet from this expert by searching WonderHowTo! You're only practice time away from ruling the dance floor!
This video demonstrates how to matte down your pointe shoes for a recital or performance. For this, you will need a makeup brush and a container of translucent loose face powder. You may cut the powder in half, adding baby powder to it. This will lighten the powder a bit.
Dip your brush in the powder, and brush the powder over your shoes. Coat the shoes and the ribbons in powder, layering it on. Brush off the excess. Continue applying it, until the shine is gone. This will darken the...
This video gives a demonstration of how to tie pointe shoes for ballet. The shoes are already on the dancers foot. First, take the wide ribbons and cross them over the top of the foot smoothly. Bring them up behind the ankle, right at the ankle bones. Cross them again at the ankles and then cross them again in the front, keeping the ribbons smooth. Bring the ribbons to the inside side of the foot and tie them. You can tie them in a bow or a knot. In the demonstration the ribbons are tied with a...
Before applying any make-up start by thoroughly cleansing the face and moisturizing after cleansing. Start with a good concealer to cover up and blemishes or dark spots. Apply liquid foundation with a stipple brush to ensure all over coverage of the entire face. Now using another brush apply your face powder, you can try MAC skin finish in your own personal skin shade. For the eyes, start with a white shadow and apply all over both lids. Now, take a medium-brown color shadow and apply to the...
In order to begin, you will need the following:
Three hair tiesBobby pinsHair spray or spray gelRat tail combHair net
Start by combing through your hair making sure there are no knots. Comb your hair back and using the comb follow from your nose with the tip of your comb to center part your hair and then comb the center part out with hair on both sides. Take the comb at the top of the part and comb it straight down ending in front of your ear so then the hair has a clean split from the back and...
In this how-to video, you will learn how to do proper placement or postural alignment in classical ballet. First, make sure the tail is down, the ribs are in, and the back as flat. Also, make sure the arches are up and fingers are relaxed. You want to create as much space between the armpit and hip as possible. Do not stick the rib cage out and lift up the pocket muscles. Let the back be free. The legs pull down to the ground while pulling everything up and out. Just remember, bring the bones...
This video demonstrates how to properly tie ballet shoes before doing ballet. First, in addition to the ballet shoes, some paper towels will be needed for padding. Fold about three paper towels together until they form a rectangle approximately 3" by 4". This will be used to pad the toes. Now, pulling the show onto the foot, pull the strap over the top of the foot and place the folded paper towels around the toes and top of foot to pad. Pull the shoe snugly onto the foot. The side straps...
Elizabeth while showing us the way to tie your pointe shoes tells us to put the foot through the elastic first and then put some padding on and then stick your foot inside the shoe. Adjust the ankle part of the shoe properly after stretching the elastic up. You can use the thumb to get the shoe properly in. To tie the ribbon take the right side and take it up to the ankle and not further and same with the other end too. Make the two ends meet at the back of the leg. Then double knot the two...
The plie, many times misspelled as "plea", is commonly used ballet technique and is usually used to warm-up at the barre. When learning how to do a plie, it's important to note the differences between the demi-plie and the grand-plie, which is a deep knee bend taking your body all the way to the floor. Get your plie skills down with help from this dance tutorial.
Getting into ballet? The arabesque ballet is a fairly difficult move and is usually put off until a dancer is conditioned and ready for such a move, usually around the third year of their training. Find out the proper way to do an arabesque with help from a ballet instructor in this video tutorial.
Be a prima ballerina and get a tutu! Not sure which kind? Ballet tutus have taken on a variety of different forms over the years. Learn about all the different styles of tutus from an expert in this ballet video.
Got a pair of dirty ballet slippers? Learn the best & most effective way to clean your shoes up to make them look new. When cleaning ballet slippers, you need to take into consideration what type of ballet slipper it is. Determine the best way to clean your ballet slippers with help from this video.
Before you learn anything, the five basic ballet positions are what is needed first. In this video tutorial, learn the five basic ballet positions: first, second, third, fourth & fifth - and how to do them correctly with the right footwork & posture.
Interested in taking your ballet skills to the classroom? In this video, learn how to go about teaching preschoolers how to dance and how to get your youngsters excited about this new form of exercise and skill in their life! Get some great tips on games to teach your preschool students to keep them occupied and keep that smile on their face!
Jfkvideos teaches you how to perform an elite turn combination. This is a combination of a pirouette, coupe turns, a variation of the pirouette and a rotation in reverse. The combination involves a lot of moves and can be done with a lot of practice. Always make sure you're wearing the right outfit for this, as lots of mobility is necessary. The elite turn combination ends with a fall to the ground, so make sure you don't get too dizzy after all the spinning. Watch this video to learn how to...
Got ballet tickets? Learn to appreciate and enjoy the performance with these steps.You Will Need* A ticket to a ballet performance* Internet access* A book on ballet (optional)* Binoculars (optional)
Breaking in those pointe shoes, and still unsure of how to use them? This how-to video demonstrates the proper way to roll through your feet in pointe shoes. Follow along with the ballet dancer and practice proper pointe technique to achieve the full range of motion on pointe shoes, without incurring an injury.
If you want to teach your small children how to dance ballet, then this how to video is the place to start. In this lesson, North Dakota Ballet Company's Mary Noel shows you a fun way to teach young students how to do a pas de chat. The pas de chat means "step over the cat" in French. This method, set to the rhyme od "Jack Be Nimble" and uses small unlit candles. Watch this tutorial and you will be able to teach your children the pas de chat ballet dance move.
If you want to teach your small children how to dance ballet, or any kind of dance movement, then this how to video is the place to start. In this lesson, North Dakota Ballet Company's Mary Noel demonstrates how she teaches her 3-4 year old students sissonne. This method, set to the music of "The Teddy Bear's Picnic," involves hula hoops and teddy bears. Watch this tutorial and you will be able to teach your children the sissone dance move.